Friday, 14 March 2014

XG-GS Utilities and ELP MIDI Files

After a lot of mucking about, I have these utilities working on Windows 7 - 32 bit and 64 bit - and Windows 8 - 64 bit. It has proven impossible to package this lot up as a nice install file - so until I can work out the details of packaging the utilities for Windows 7 and above, anyone who wants to use them is up for a little bit of manual install.

The good news - all these utilities are now free. The bad news - you get to do a few tedious tasks before you can play. Some more good news - this stuff works on PCs that currently do not have any decent MIDI software or hardware. I have uploaded some stuff that will show you how to get a pretty good MIDI soft synth working on your PC.

The even better news - I have uploaded all our old ELP MIDI files which have been lovingly prepared over the last 20 years or so. The ELP MIDI directory is in loving memory of Jos Le Voi - sadly taken from us in 2013. She created many of these sequences - we hope you enjoy them.

Here is the link to the lot:!342&authkey=!AFDQL1CnIX7o-Gg&ithint=folder%2c.exe

Here is the link to just the ELP MIDI files:!424&authkey=!ALCzbWe70XMme9s&ithint=folder%2c.mid

If anyone has problems installing this lot, then you can email me at:

mikelevoi AT gmail DOT com

The above email address is hopefully human readable :-)

Enjoy ...


At 19 March 2016 at 07:28 , Blogger Michele Cilli said...

Thank you very much... I remember your old web site that one day disappeared. Sorry for Jos :-(


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